In her nightmares, Sarah Temple hears the cries of a child...
...this is the child with whom she shares a remarkable connection―psychic ability. Whether Sarah is awake or dreaming, she always hears the horrible screaming. And Sarah knows that she has to help somehow.
She recognizes the source of this child's fear, for she too was once held captive, subjected to the experiments of a secret organization “studying” psychic abilities in humans. Now, the little girl haunting Sarah, the one with the ability to alter people's very will, as well as their dreams, has become the organization's next victim, and Sarah must find a way to keep them from going too far and taking the girl with them. But is it possible that the girl is only being used as a means of luring her back to the place from which she escaped? Have they set a trap for Sarah?
The only way she will ever know and can ever hope to save the girl is by trusting the man who broke her heart in order to save her life. It is this man, a psychic warrior sworn to protect Sarah, who must safeguard the Secret Legacy.
Anna DeStefano follows her hit Dark Legacy with Secret Legacy, an exciting and chilling new novel that marks the continuation of a psychic heroine's personal struggle with an aggressive and dangerous organization. It details her fight to save a little girl from this destructive force that seeks to exploit those like her, those with a special ability. Secret Legacy is powerful, thrilling, and far from ordinary. DeStefano is known for specializing in fantasy and romance, and Secret Legacy has its share of both.
The novel is great for avid readers of science fiction/fantasy and fantasy-style romance. Those loyal readers of DeStefano's previous works and, of course, the Legacy book series will undoubtedly appreciate this successful sequel, on bookshelves in May of this year.
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